Chemical Companies 


Chemtan is an international leader in developing, producing and marketing chemicals for the leather tanning industry.

Headquartered in the US, we maintain a full line of products from beam house through finishing, specializing in waterproofing for all types of leathers

Chemtan Company Inc. is an international leader in developing, producing and marketing chemicals for the leather tanning industry. We offer a full line of products from beam house through finishing, specializing in waterproofing for all types of leathers.
Founded in 1947, Chemtan fully integrated its operations under one roof in 1958, located in a coastal New England town of Exeter, New Hampshire, USA. We have maintained an industry wide reputation for being a quality manufacturer ever since.

Today our operations span two locations. One in Exeter, New Hampshire for product development, manufacturing, and sales. The other in Lee, New Hampshire for warehousing and shipping finished goods, and housing our customer service team. Public warehousing in the Milwaukee area continues to be an important supply point for our Midwest, and Southwest customers.
We market and sell our products worldwide in 33+ countries. Our products can be found in all kinds of leather goods, shoes and boots sold by all the major brands. The US market continues to be a very important part of our business despite the majority of shoe manufacturing and leather production moving offshore for the past 25+ years.
Chemtan has always been focused exclusively on the leather industry and primarily manufacturing in the US. Our emphasis on customer service is one of the hallmarks of our success thanks to our highly dedicated long-serving staff.



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