A New Communcation Strategy of Leather Naturally
Release date: 11/26/2018
Fundraising by Leather Naturally is under way to start a new communication strategy that will target younger consumers to be reached through social networks.
t the end of August in Shanghai during a networking event organised at the All China Leather Exhibition which was repeated in Milan on September 26th within Lineapelle, was announced a decisive change of pace and strategy in the communication of Leather Naturally. For the international organisation, born a few years ago to counteract attacks on the tanning sector, it is time to move from a position of defense to an active role. How? By elaborating a digital communication strategy aimed, in particular, at the seizure of two categories of consumers considered strategic to promote consumption in the coming years: the so-called Generation Z (i.e. young people aged 18 to 24) and Millennials (from 25 to 38 years). The basic idea is to let new generations know and appreciate the values of the leather through a communication project that speaks their language and that involves all social networks. During the presentation, Fernando Bellese of JBS Couros, member of the Leather Naturally steering committee,
explained the details of a communication campaign based on the work of a team of about 20 people including influencers, photographers, journalists, PR managers, opinion makers and others, who every day will have the task of creating interesting content related to the leather (i.e. photos, interviews, participation in events, fashion weeks, concerts and so on) that will be communicated through the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram , etc. also through the creation of appropriate proprietary channels. “Communication will be fresh, ethical, global. We must be proud of what we do”, assured Bellese. Broadly speaking, investments will be allocated for 60% on fashion in the broad sense, for 20% on automotive and the remaining 20% on interior design. The 23 most influential cities in the world where the activity of the team responsible for creating contents will start have already been selected. The timing for the start of the project is linked to the current fundraising trend. Recently, Leather Naturally - in which some of the world’s biggest tanneries and all the tanning chemicals companies already participate - has registered the adhesion of some new members (the participation cost is $ 2,000 a year) but to launch such a global communication project will probably require some additional resources.
Artusoria Magazine - www.artusoriamagazine.com
November 2018